Merge pull request 'master' (#1) from Conan_Doyl/DSHReseller-Languagefiles:master into master
Reviewed-on: #1master
4 changed files with 443 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
* ############################################################################### |
* File: danish.php |
* Project: dshreseller |
* File Created: Wednesday, 9th Februar 2022 5:33 pm |
* Author: Mikkel Krogsholm ( |
* ############################################################################### |
*/ |
$_dLANG['PowerOFF'] = "Slukket"; |
$_dLANG['PowerON'] = "Tændt"; |
$_dLANG['Connecting'] = "Opretter forbindelse.."; |
$_dLANG['ServerInfo'] = "Server Info"; |
$_dLANG['Username'] = "Brugernavn"; |
$_dLANG['Password'] = "Adgangskode"; |
$_dLANG['MgtTools'] = "Styrings Panel"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall'] = "Geninstaller"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['DDoS'] = "DDoS/rDNS"; |
$_dLANG['NetworkInfos'] = "Netværks information"; |
$_dLANG['MainIP'] = "Primær IPv4 "; |
$_dLANG['AssignedIPs'] = "Ekstra IPv4"; |
$_dLANG['BillingInfos'] = "Betalings information"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallModalHeader'] = "Geninstaller Server"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallModelDescription'] = "Du kan geninstallere serveren med et af de skabeloner herunder. Vær opmærksom på at alt data slettes og ikke kan genskabes!"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW'] = "Root adgangskode"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW2'] = "Root adgangskode (igen)"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW1Placeholder'] = "Sæt en nyt Root/Administrator adgangskode til serveren"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW2Placeholder'] = "Gentag root adgangskode"; |
$_dLANG['OSDescription'] = "Der vil blive oprettet en ekstra konto. Brugeren har brugernavnet 'user' og den samme adgangskode som root brugeren."; |
$_dLANG['OSTitle'] = "Operativ System"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallBTNClose'] = "Luk"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallBTN'] = "Geninstaller"; |
$_dLANG['RootPWWrong'] = "Adgangskoden er for kort, eller matcher ikke."; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW'] = "Root adgangskode"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW2'] = "Root adgangskode (igen)"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW1Placeholder'] = "Sæt en nyt Root/Administrator adgangskode til serveren"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW2Placeholder'] = "Gentag root adgangskode"; |
$_dLANG['RescueModalTitle'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['RescueModalDescription'] = "Start din server op med Rescue System for at sikkerhedskopiere dine data, ændre adgangskoden eller fjerne malware. Når Rescue System starter op, køres der automatisk et disk tjek."; |
$_dLANG['RescueModalDescription2'] = "Rescue System er en LIVE Linux-distribution, der er indlæst i dine RAM. Dine harddiske skal mountes manuelt for at få adgang til din data..."; |
$_dLANG['RescueSelect'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['RescueBTNBoot'] = "Boot Rescue"; |
$_dLANG['RescueBTNClose'] = "Luk"; |
$_dLANG['ConfigOptions'] = "Konfigurer Indstillinger"; |
$_dLANG['ConfigOptionsBTNClose'] = "Luk"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_Header'] = "Afbryd installation"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_Question'] = "Er du sikker på at du vil afbryde den igangværende installation?"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_BtnNO'] = "Nej"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_BtnYes'] = "Ja, afbryd den."; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_Header'] = "Server geninstallation"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_Question'] = "Er du sikker på at du vil starte geninstallation? - Alt data vil blive slettet og kan ikke genskabes!"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_BtnNO'] = "Nej"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_BtnYes'] = "Ja, geninstaller"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_Header'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_Question'] = "Er du sikker på at du vil starte Rescue Mode? - Rescue System er en LIVE Linux-distribution, der er indlæst i dine RAM. Dine harddiske skal mountes manuelt for at få adgang til din data..."; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_BtnNO'] = "Nej"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_BtnYes'] = "Ja, start Rescue Mode"; |
$_dLANG['Info_Starting_Install'] = "Starter installation..."; |
$_dLANG['Info_Installing'] = "Installere..."; |
$_dLANG['Info_PowerOn'] = "Tændt"; |
$_dLANG['Info_PowerOff'] = "Slukket"; |
$_dLANG['Info_Connecting'] = "Opretter forbindelse..."; |
$_dLANG['Info_NotAllowed'] = "Slukning ikke tilladt, tjekker status.."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_ModalTitle'] = "DDOS & rDNS Indstillinger"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_ModalDescription'] = "Ændre filtrene for Server iper eller indstil en rDNS Record"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_IPSelect'] = "Vælg den IP, du vil skifte filtre for."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer4_Dynamic'] = "Layer 4 Dynamisk"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer4_Permanent'] = "Layer 4 Permanent"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer4_Description'] = "Hvis du aktiverer Layer4-filtrene permanent, vil alt trafik blive dirigeret gennem infrastrukturen med henblik på migration. Deaktiver Layer4-filteret for at gå tilbage til den dynamiske tilstand, filteret aktiveres automatisk."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7'] = "Layer 7"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Description'] = "Slår Layer7-filtre til bag Layer4-filtre - alt trafik på TCP-porte 80, 443 og 8443 kontrolleres. Kan udstyres med et certifikat."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_On'] = "Layer 7 Tændt"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Off'] = "Layer 7 Slukket"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Only_On'] = "Kun Layer7 tændt"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Only_Off'] = "Kun Layer7 slukket"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Button_Save'] = "Gem indstillinger"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Button_Status'] = "Tjek status"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Button_Close'] = "Luk"; |
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
* ############################################################################### |
* File: english.php |
* Project: dLANG |
* File Created: Monday, 26th October 2020 6:10:50 pm |
* Author: Thomas Brinkmann ( |
* ----- |
* Last Modified: Thursday, 28th October 2021 1:16:24 pm |
* Modified By: Thomas Brinkmann (>) |
* ----- |
* Copyright 2020 - Thomas Brinkmann. All Rights Reserved. |
* ----- |
* License Text |
* Es ist Ihnen untersagt diese Software zu kopieren, manipulieren, verbreiten oder anderweitig ohne ausdrückliche Erlaubnis zu nutzen. |
* Sie dürfen ebenfalls nicht den Copyright Hinweis entfernen. |
* |
* It is prohibited to copy, manipulate, distribute or otherwise use this software without express permission. |
* You may also not remove the copyright notice. |
* ----- |
* ############################################################################### |
*/ |
$_dLANG['PowerOFF'] = "Powered Off"; |
$_dLANG['PowerON'] = "Powered On"; |
$_dLANG['Connecting'] = "Connecting..."; |
$_dLANG['ServerInfo'] = "Server Info"; |
$_dLANG['Username'] = "Username"; |
$_dLANG['Password'] = "Password"; |
$_dLANG['MgtTools'] = "Management Tools"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall'] = "Reinstall"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['DDoS'] = "DDoS/rDNS"; |
$_dLANG['NetworkInfos'] = "Network Informations"; |
$_dLANG['MainIP'] = "Dedicated IPv4 "; |
$_dLANG['AssignedIPs'] = "Assigned IPv4"; |
$_dLANG['BillingInfos'] = "Billing Informations"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallModalHeader'] = "Reinstall Server"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallModelDescription'] = "You can reinstall the Server with an Template selected below. Please beware all data will be erased and can't be restored!"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW'] = "Root Password"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW2'] = "Root Password (again)"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW1Placeholder'] = "Set a new Root/Administrator password for the Server"; |
$_dLANG['RootPW2Placeholder'] = "Repeat the root password"; |
$_dLANG['OSDescription'] = "It will also an Optional User created for Linux. The Optional User has the username 'user' and the same password as the root user."; |
$_dLANG['OSTitle'] = "Operation System"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallBTNClose'] = "Close"; |
$_dLANG['ReinstallBTN'] = "Reinstall"; |
$_dLANG['RootPWWrong'] = "Password too short, or not match, try again"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW'] = "Root Password"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW2'] = "Root Password (again)"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW1Placeholder'] = "Set a new Root/Administrator password for the Server"; |
$_dLANG['RRootPW2Placeholder'] = "Repeat the root password"; |
$_dLANG['RescueModalTitle'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['RescueModalDescription'] = "Boot your Server with the Rescue System to backup your Data, change the password or safety remove maleware. Whenever the Rescue System is booting a Disk Check will run automatically."; |
$_dLANG['RescueModalDescription2'] = "The Rescue System is a LIVE Linux Distribution mounted into the RAM. Your Disks are not mounted yet. You need to mount them manually to access your data."; |
$_dLANG['RescueSelect'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['RescueBTNBoot'] = "Boot Rescue"; |
$_dLANG['RescueBTNClose'] = "Close"; |
$_dLANG['ConfigOptions'] = "Configurable Options"; |
$_dLANG['ConfigOptionsBTNClose'] = "Close"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_Header'] = "Cancel current Installation"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_Question'] = "You are sure that you want to cancel the current installation?"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_BtnNO'] = "No"; |
$_dLANG['Cancel_BtnYes'] = "Yes, cancel it"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_Header'] = "Server Reinstallation"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_Question'] = "You are sure you want to start the Reinstallation? - All data will be erased and can't be restored anymore!"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_BtnNO'] = "No"; |
$_dLANG['Reinstall_BtnYes'] = "Yes, reinstall it"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_Header'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_Question'] = "You are sure you want to start the Rescue Mode? - The Rescue System is a LIVE Linux Distribution loaded into the RAM. Your Hard drives must be mounted manually to access its data."; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_BtnNO'] = "No"; |
$_dLANG['Rescue_BtnYes'] = "Yes, start it"; |
$_dLANG['Info_Starting_Install'] = "Starting installation..."; |
$_dLANG['Info_Installing'] = "Installing..."; |
$_dLANG['Info_PowerOn'] = "Power on"; |
$_dLANG['Info_PowerOff'] = "Power off"; |
$_dLANG['Info_Connecting'] = "Connecting..."; |
$_dLANG['Info_NotAllowed'] = "Shutdown not allowed, fetching status.."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_ModalTitle'] = "DDOS & rDNS Options"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_ModalDescription'] = "Change the Filters for the Server IPs or set an rDNS Record"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_IPSelect'] = "Select your IP you want to change the filter for"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer4_Dynamic'] = "Layer 4 Dynamic"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer4_Permanent'] = "Layer 4 Permanent"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer4_Description'] = "Enable the Layer4 filters permanently, all traffic will be routed through the infrastructure for mitigation. Deactivate the Layer4 filter to jump back to the Dynamic state, the filter activates automatically."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7'] = "Layer 7"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Description'] = "Turns on Layer7 filters behind Layer4 filters - all traffic on TCP ports 80, 443 and 8443 is verified. Can be equipped with a certificate."; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_On'] = "Layer 7 On"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Off'] = "Layer 7 Off"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Only_On'] = "Layer 7 Only On"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Layer7_Only_Off'] = "Layer 7 Only Off"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Button_Save'] = "Save settings"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Button_Status'] = "Fetch status"; |
$_dLANG['DDOS_Button_Close'] = "Close"; |
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
* ############################################################################### |
* File: danish.php |
* Project: dshreseller |
* File Created: Wednesday, 9th Februar 2022 5:33 pm |
* Author: Mikkel Krogsholm ( |
* ############################################################################### |
*/ |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Username']['Title'] = "Indtast dit brugernavn:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Username']['Description'] = "Dit brugernavn er vigtigt for at identificere dine forhandler handlinger"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Password']['Title'] = "Indtast din adgangskode:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Password']['Description'] = "Husk at sikre din adgangskode!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['AccessHash']['Title'] = "Indtast din Accesshash:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['AccessHash']['Description'] = "Har du ikke dit Accesshash? - <a href=''>Opret en support sag</a>"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['BtnSave']['Title'] = "Gem"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['MGT']['Title'] = "DDoS forvaltning"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['IP']['Title'] = "IP Addresse"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['IP']['Btn'] = "Vælg"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer4']['Title'] = "Layer4"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer4']['Description'] = "Hvis du aktiverer Layer4-filtrene permanent, vil alt trafik blive dirigeret gennem infrastrukturen med henblik på migration. Deaktiver Layer4-filteret for at gå tilbage til den dynamiske tilstand, filteret aktiveres automatisk"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer4']['Permanent'] = "Layer 4 Permanent"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['Title'] = "Layer7"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['Description'] = "Slår Layer7-filtre til bag Layer4-filtre - alt trafik på TCP-porte 80, 443 og 8443 kontrolleres. Kan udstyres med et certifikat."; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['On'] = "Layer 7 Permanent"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['Only'] = "Kun Layer7 tændt"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['ID'] = "ID"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['IPv4'] = "IPv4 Målet"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Type'] = "Angrebstype"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Traffic'] = "Trafik i Mbit/s"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Packets'] = "Sendte packets"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['AveragePacketsize'] = "Gennemsnitlig packets størrelse"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Time'] = "Dato"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Status']['Title'] = "DDoS Status"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Status']['Description'] = "Her kan du se nuværende status over valgte IP Addresse(r)"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Toast']['RoutingChanged'] = "Ruteføring ændret!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Toast']['RoutingNotChanged'] = "Ruteføring kunne ikke ændres!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Product']['Title'] = "Produkt informationer!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['Title'] = "Geninstaller Server"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['Description'] = "Du kan geninstallere serveren med et af de skabeloner herunder. Vær opmærksom på at alt data slettes og ikke kan genskabes!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW'] = "Root adgangskode"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW2'] = "Root adgangskode (igen)"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW1Placeholder'] = "Sæt en nyt Root/Administrator adgangskode til serveren"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW2Placeholder'] = "Gentag root adgangskode"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['OSDescription'] = "Der vil blive oprettet en ekstra konto. Brugeren har brugernavnet 'user' og den samme adgangskode som root brugeren."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['OSTitle'] = "Operativ System"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['CloseBtn'] = "Luk"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['ReinstallBtn'] = "Geninstaller"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['Title'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['Description'] = "Start din server op med Rescue System for at sikkerhedskopiere dine data, ændre adgangskoden eller fjerne malware. Når Rescue System starter op, køres der automatisk et disk tjek."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['Description2'] = "Rescue System er en LIVE Linux-distribution, der er indlæst i dine RAM. Dine harddiske skal mountes manuelt for at få adgang til din data..."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['RescueSelect'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['BootBtn'] = "Boot Rescue"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['CloseBtn'] = "Luk"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['Title'] = "Tilføj en anmodning om opsigelse"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['Description'] = "Tilføj en anmodning om opsigelse til din tjeneste for at afslutte den ved udgangen af faktureringscyklussen!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['TextAreaLbl'] = "Indtast en årsag til opsigelse:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['SaveBtn'] = "Gem"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['CloseBtn'] = "Luk"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['Title'] = "Forsigtig - Slukning kan medføre gebyrer!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['Question'] = "Hvis den valgte server ikke har en ILO/IPMI, kan en lukningskommando kræve en teknikerordre for at få dem til at starte igen. Teknikeren koster et gebyr!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['BtnNo'] = "Nej"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['BtnYes'] = "Ja"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['Title'] = "Sæt en rDNS/PTR Record for den valgte IP"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['Description'] = "Hvis du ikke har valgt en IP-adresse endnu, skal du skifte tilbage til den anden side og vælge en. Med en valgt IP kan du indstille en rDNS/PTR Record"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['txtTitle'] = "rDNS/PTR Record"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['btnrDNS'] = "Sæt rDNS/PTR Record"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['btnSave'] = "Gem"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['btnClose'] = "Luk"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Modal']['rDNSPlaceholder'] = "Sæt en gyldig fqdn. f.eks."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Toastr']['Saved'] = "Gemt!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Toastr']['NotSaved'] = "Ændringerne kunne ikke gemmes!"; |
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
* ############################################################################### |
* File: english.php |
* Project: lang |
* File Created: Tuesday, 2nd March 2021 11:03:57 am |
* Author: Thomas Brinkmann ( |
* ----- |
* Last Modified: Wednesday, 17th November 2021 1:45:42 pm |
* Modified By: Thomas Brinkmann (>) |
* ----- |
* Copyright 2021 - Thomas Brinkmann. All Rights Reserved. |
* ----- |
* License Text |
* Es ist Ihnen untersagt diese Software zu kopieren, manipulieren, verbreiten oder anderweitig ohne ausdrückliche Erlaubnis zu nutzen. |
* Sie dürfen ebenfalls nicht den Copyright Hinweis entfernen. |
* |
* It is prohibited to copy, manipulate, distribute or otherwise use this software without express permission. |
* You may also not remove the copyright notice. |
* ----- |
* ############################################################################### |
*/ |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Username']['Title'] = "Enter your Username:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Username']['Description'] = "Your Username is Important to identifiy your Reseller Actions"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Password']['Title'] = "Enter your Password:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Password']['Description'] = "Keep your Password secure!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['AccessHash']['Title'] = "Enter your Accesshash:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['AccessHash']['Description'] = "You not have your AccessHash? - <a href=''>Submit a Support-Ticket</a>"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['BtnSave']['Title'] = "Save"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['MGT']['Title'] = "DDoS Management"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['IP']['Title'] = "IP Address"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['IP']['Btn'] = "Select"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer4']['Title'] = "Layer4"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer4']['Description'] = "Enable the Layer4 filters permanently, all traffic will be routed through the infrastructure for mitigation. Deactivate the Layer4 filter to jump back to the Dynamic state, the filter activates automatically."; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer4']['Permanent'] = "Layer 4 Permanent"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['Title'] = "Layer7"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['Description'] = "Turns on Layer7 filters behind Layer4 filters - all traffic on TCP ports 80, 443 and 8443 is verified. Can be equipped with a certificate."; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['On'] = "Layer 7 Permanent"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Layer7']['Only'] = "Layer 7 Only"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['ID'] = "ID"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['IPv4'] = "Target IPv4"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Type'] = "Attacktype"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Traffic'] = "Traffic in Mbit/s"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Packets'] = "Sent packets"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['AveragePacketsize'] = "Avg. packetssize"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Incidents']['Table']['Time'] = "Date"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Status']['Title'] = "DDoS Status"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Status']['Description'] = "Here you find the current status of the selected IP Address"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Toast']['RoutingChanged'] = "Routing changed!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Toast']['RoutingNotChanged'] = "Routing could not be changed!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Product']['Title'] = "Service informations!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['Title'] = "Reinstall Server"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['Description'] = "You can reinstall the Server with an Template selected below. Please beware all data will be erased and can't be restored!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW'] = "Root Password"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW2'] = "Root Password (again)"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW1Placeholder'] = "Set a new Root/Administrator password for the Server"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['RootPW2Placeholder'] = "Repeat the root password"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['OSDescription'] = "It will also an Optional User created for Linux. The Optional User has the username 'user' and the same password as the root user."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['Modal']['OSTitle'] = "Operation System"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['CloseBtn'] = "Close"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['ReinstallModal']['ReinstallBtn'] = "Reinstall"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['Title'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['Description'] = "Boot your Server with the Rescue System to backup your Data, change the password or safety remove maleware. Whenever the Rescue System is booting a Disk Check will run automatically."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['Description2'] = "The Rescue System is a LIVE Linux Distribution mounted into the RAM. Your Disks are not mounted yet. You need to mount them manually to access your data."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['RescueSelect'] = "Rescue System"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['BootBtn'] = "Boot Rescue"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['RescueModal']['CloseBtn'] = "Close"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['Title'] = "Add a Cancallation Request"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['Description'] = "Add a Cancallation request to your Service to terminate it at the end of the billing cycle!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['TextAreaLbl'] = "Enter a Reason why you want to cancel your service:"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['SaveBtn'] = "Save"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['CancelModal']['CloseBtn'] = "Close"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['Title'] = "Caution - Shutdown can cause fees!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['Question'] = "If your selected Server does not have a ILO/IPMI a shutdown command cause in a Technician order to start them again. The technician costs a Fee!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['BtnNo'] = "No"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Service']['StopConfirm']['BtnYes'] = "Yes"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['Title'] = "Set and rDNS/PTR Record for the current selected ip"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['Description'] = "If you not selected a IP Address yet, switch back to the other tab and select one. With a selected IP you can set a rDNS/PTR Record"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['txtTitle'] = "rDNS/PTR Record"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['btnrDNS'] = "Set rDNS/PTR Record"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['btnSave'] = "Save"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['rDNS']['btnClose'] = "Close"; |
$_ADDONLANG['DDOS']['Modal']['rDNSPlaceholder'] = "Set a valid fqdn. eg."; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Toastr']['Saved'] = "Saved!"; |
$_ADDONLANG['Settings']['Toastr']['NotSaved'] = "Changes could not be made!"; |
Reference in new issue